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Recovering Ecommerce’s
Lost Revenue

Customer acquisition is expensive. Lost purchases, through poor CX or payment friction, come at a high cost for e-retailers.

So why are merchants inadvertently shutting out genuine customers, walking away from cross-border sales and leaving millions of pounds on the table?

Signifyd explores how suspicion and fear is holding retailers back, and exposes the staggering 3% of revenue that’s lost due to over-aggressive fraud and poor chargeback strategies.

We also reveal how smart retailers can optimise CX and win back lost revenue, using ‘self-learning’ models to turn e-payment protection into profit.


Recovering Ecommerce’s Lost Revenue

Customer acquisition is expensive. Lost purchases, through poor CX or payment friction, come at a high cost for e-retailers.

So why are merchants inadvertently shutting out genuine customers, walking away from cross-border sales and leaving millions of pounds on the table?

Signifyd explores how suspicion and fear is holding retailers back, and exposes the staggering 3% of revenue that’s lost due to over-aggressive fraud and poor chargeback strategies.

We also reveal how smart retailers can optimise CX and win back lost revenue, using ‘self-learning’ models to turn e-payment protection into profit.

Complete the form to get your free copy


  • How ‘leaky’ sales funnels shrink profit and loyalty
  • Why simply following traditional ‘rules’ restricts growth
  • How next generation self-learning protection platforms lock fraudsters out and customers in
  • New opportunities to reduce chargeback liability, seize overseas success and optimise peak sales periods
  • Why it pays to include fraud in ecommerce strategy

Highlights include:

  1. 5 ways to ditch fear, offset fraud and
    positively impact bottom line
  2. Top Tips for choosing an ecommerce
    protection provider